1. Your Lie in April 四月は君の嘘 – Movie Review - 10nineteen
21 apr 2018 · Although not a truly amazing film, Your Lie in April is a solidly entertaining story with good acting and some touching scenes. And the musical performances ...
こんばんは。Tonight Your Lie in April (四月は君の嘘) was on TV Japan so Koa and I watched it together. Surprisingly, Koa said he had already seen it on the plane when we traveled over Christmas break.

2. 四月は君の嘘 4 [Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 4] - Goodreads
IT IS AMAZING. This volume explores Kosei delving back into the competition world. We get to see his former rivals compete and it is clear that they've been so ...
![四月は君の嘘 4 [Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 4] - Goodreads](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388519613i/18406924.jpg)
3. 四月は君の嘘 4 [Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 4] by Naoshi Arakawa ...
IT IS AMAZING. This volume explores Kosei delving back into the competition world. We get to see his former rivals compete and it is clear that they've been so ...
![四月は君の嘘 4 [Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 4] by Naoshi Arakawa ...](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388519613i/18406924.jpg)
4. Your Lie in April (2016) - MyDramaList
21 apr 2017 · I don't feel that the pacing is rushed so it didn't end up confusing and each scenes are so vital to the story like If you remove one the story ...
Kosei Arima won numerous piano competitions while under the strict watch of his mother. He was known as the human metronome during that time. Since the...

5. 映画『四月は君の嘘』 ……広瀬すずの出演作はすべて見るつもり ...
14 sep 2016 · 全11巻のコミックを、よく2時間ほどのストーリーにまとめたと思う。 これは、できそうで、なかなかできないものだ。 タイトルにもなっている、 宮園かをり ...
See AlsoKamini Ringtone映画『海街diary』(2015年6月13日公開)で広瀬すずと出逢って以来、その演技力、その目力、その笑顔に、すっかり魅せられてしまった。だから、『海街diary』以降の彼女の出演作はすべて見るつもりでいたので、今年(2016年)公開された、『ちはやふる上の句』(3月19日公開)『ちはやふる下の句』(4月29日公開)はもちろん見たし、本作『四月は君の嘘』も公開を心待ちにしていたのだ。原作は、第37回講談社漫画賞に輝き、アニメ版も放送された新川直司による人気コミック。母の死をきっかけにピアノが弾けなくなった天才ピアニストの少年と、自由奔放なヴァイオリニストの少女が、互いの才能を認め合い成長していく姿を、切ない恋模様を交えて描いた青春ラブストーリー。広瀬すずの他に、私の好きな板谷由夏や、檀れい、それから、最近...映画『四月は君の嘘』……広瀬すずの出演作はすべて見るつもりなのだ……

6. 「四月は君の嘘」主題歌は「いきものがかり」書き下ろしミディアム ...
3 jun 2016 · 同楽曲を聴いた広瀬は「カラフルな毎日に隠されたひとつの嘘に、苦しくなったり、寂しくなったりする、かをりと公生の切ない関係や作品の世界観が曲から ...

7. 「四月は君の嘘」広瀬すずがプレッシャー明かす「死んじゃい ...
10 sep 2016 · 広瀬は、人気キャラクターのかをりを演じたプレッシャーについて「死んじゃいそうでした。原作ファンの方の中には宮園かをりという女の子が生きていたので ...
本日9月10日、「四月は君の嘘」の初日舞台挨拶が東京・TOHOシネマズ 六本木ヒルズにて開催され、キャストの広瀬すず、山崎賢人、石井杏奈、中川大志、檀れい、監督の新城毅彦が登壇した。

8. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April) - MyAnimeList.net
Miyazono, Kaori · Manga · Moments · Anime Reviews
Kousei Arima is a child prodigy known as the "Human Metronome" for playing the piano with precision and perfection. Guided by a strict mother and rigorous training, Kousei dominates every competition he enters, earning the admiration of his musical peers and praise from audiences. When his mother suddenly passes away, the subsequent trauma makes him unable to hear the sound of a piano, and he never takes the stage thereafter. Nowadays, Kousei lives a quiet and unassuming life as a junior high school student alongside his friends Tsubaki Sawabe and Ryouta Watari. While struggling to get over his mother's death, he continues to cling to music. His monochrome life turns upside down the day he encounters the eccentric violinist Kaori Miyazono, who thrusts him back into the spotlight as her accompanist. Through a little lie, these two young musicians grow closer together as Kaori tries to fill Kousei's world with color. [Written by MAL Rewrite]